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- 唯一能360度鳥瞰全香港四方八面不同景觀及維港景色的室內觀景台

- 先進的高速雙層電梯,能以60秒直達100樓,刺激又方便

- 大型的多媒體互動展覽,生動介紹香港獨特的歷史及文化故事

- 交通網絡四通八達,連繫城中著名大型商場及最高端的酒店餐飲


家庭套票(2張成人+ 1位小童):

每套票包含2張成人+ 1位小童門票

- 該優惠僅提供給以下國籍的遊客使用:台灣,新加坡,馬來西亞,泰國,菲律賓,印尼


優惠有效日期: 至2017年3月31日



- 兒童票適用於:3 – 11歲(須由18歲或以上持有效門票的成人陪同)

- 12歲或以上需繳付成人價格

- 禁止攜帶食物及飲品進場(清水及嬰兒喂哺食物除外)

- 不可攜帶體積超過230 x 360 x 560 毫米的背包、行李車或推車進場(輪椅及嬰兒車除外)

- 天際100或會全面/局部關閉用作私人活動場地。請於購票或到訪天際100前,查閱開放時間及特別安排



- 天際100 鄰近Element圓方大型商場,時尚購買、精品飲食、電影與溜冰娛樂活動,一應俱全


Delight in panoramic views of Hong Kong and Victoria Harbour from the 100th floor of the city's tallest building!

  • Sight spectacular 360° views of the Victoria Harbor, Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and the New Territories
  • Ride up the building's high-speed double-decker elevators!
  • Gain fascinating insights into local history and culture at the state-of-the-art visitor exhibit
  • Enjoy quick and easy entrance with this e-ticket admission


Itinerary Includes

Family Combo (2 Adult + 1 Child):

  • Each combo consist of 2 Adult and 1 Child tickets
  • Valid for passport holder from: Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia
  • Valid until 31 Mar 2017

Additional Information:

  • Child ticket: Age 3-11
  • Persons aged 11 or below must be accompanied by an adult (aged 18 or above) with a valid admission ticket to access sky100
  • Please note: the following items not permitted into sky100: food and drinks (except baby food and water); backpacks or any objects that exceed 230 mm x 360 mm x 560 mm; carts and other wheeled carriers (except strollers and wheelchairs)
  • The sky100 Hong Kong Observation Deck may be partially closed temporarily on special days for private events, please check their opening hours and special arrangement before purchasing tickets and visiting

香港- 天際100觀景台家庭套票 Hong Kong- Sky 100 Family Combo

    • 請於出發前至少 5 個工作天前買購買及預訂
    • 購買此優惠前,請先致電 2661 0528 查詢,及安排留位及出發日期等事宜,你的預訂將在 48 小時內確認
    • 請在付款後發送確認電子郵件至,提供包括英文姓名(必須與護照相同),Yes Master! 單據編號,聯繫電話,聯繫電子郵件和使用日期
    • 如果有任何查詢,請通過 或 2661 0528 與我們聯繫


    Your reservation will be confirmed within 48 hours.

    - Please purchase and confirm your reservation at least 5 working days in advance

    - Before purchasing, please call 2661 0528 for general enquiry, reservation and departure arrangements. Your reservation will be confirmed within 48 hours

    - After purchasing, please send your confirmation e-mail to with your English name (same as the name on passport), Yes Master! Invoice number, contact number, contact e-mail address and preferred departure date

    - Please feel free to contact us at 2661 0528 or via e-mail at

Tel.: +852 2865 2122  |  Whatsapp : +852 5108 2593 | Email :

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© 2023 Yes Master! GO, part of the Yes Master! family, Yes Master Lifestyle Limited (TAR License No.: 354164) , All Rights Reserved.

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