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  • 在2009年,它是亞洲第四多入場人次的主題公園,僅殿於日本東京迪士尼樂園、迪士尼海洋和大阪環球影城。樂園裡面有動物園和水上樂園。樂園由三星集團下轄的三星物產管理。 這座樂園被不少人稱為韓國的迪士尼樂園。
  • 樂天世界是位於韓國首爾的大型娛樂設施,它包括一個大型室內主題公園、戶外遊樂園、商場、酒店、韓國民俗村、體育設施、電影院組成的一個領域,之間由單軌鐵路連接。樂天世界室內主題公園是世界上最大的室內遊樂園之一 樂天世界由韓國樂天集團建造,於1989年7月12日開業,每年遊客約800萬。樂天世界鄰近首爾地鐵2號線和首爾地鐵8號線的蠶室站。
  • Seoulland is an amusement park opened in 1987, in Gwacheon, a city in Gyeonggi-do province, South Korea. It is located in the Seoul Grand Park complex. It opened just before the 1988 Summer Olympics. It has about 40 rides, including roller coasters, and movie theaters. Seasonal festivals are held in the park.It is smaller than Everland, but closer to Seoul,[3] about one hour away from downtown. Approximately 3–3.5 million people visit the park in a year.Roughly a third of its 300,000 m2 is green space, the rest being packed with the attractions.




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