- 89樓室內/91層樓戶外觀景台;超過兩千萬人次朝聖
- 體驗超高速電梯直達觀景台,360度視野看遍台北大街小巷與自然景色
- 行動影音導覽,邊走邊聽;室內播映室,一窺台北101建置過程影片
1) 115 cm 以下免費,須由成人陪同
2) 服裝不整或着拖鞋者謝絕入場, 不獲退票
台北101觀景台電子門票 Taipei 101 Observatory
- 115cm以下兒童免購票,須由一位成人陪同
- 觀景台全面禁煙,並禁止口香糖或檳榔
- 服裝不整或著拖鞋者謝絕入場
- 人潮擁擠,請遵循參觀動線依序前進,並隨時注意自身財產及安全
- 請勿攜帶外食、寵物、違禁品及危險物品進場
- 參觀過程中如破壞相關設備者,負賠償責任
- 請配合進行隨身物件安全檢查
- 請遵守本場所之相關規定與服務人員之引導說明
- 大型攝影器材未經申請禁止攜帶入
- Free admission for children under the height of 115 cm. Children must be accompanied by one adult
- Please note that smoking, chewing gum, and eating betel nut are prohibited in the premises
- There may be a large number of visitors, so please follow the route in an orderly fashion
- Please keep an eye on your personal belongings
- Do not bring food, pets, prohibited or dangerous items into the premises
- Please comply with safety inspections of your personal belonging