- 雙層觀光巴士1天遊,乘坐巴士隨上隨下,帶你游遍大台北
- 中文/英文/日文/韓文語音導覽,詳盡解說,了解台北美景背後的故事
- 提供車上免費WiFi,方便快捷上網
- 預訂成功後 Yes Master! GO 會將使用憑證發送至您的電子信箱
- 如在註明的時限內沒有於收件箱或垃圾郵件箱中收到郵件,請及時透過郵件聯繫 Yes Master! GO
- 車票(4小時票/1日票)
- 語音導覽(中/英/日/韓)
- 活動組織方提供的保險
- 免費WiFi
- 耳機
紅線( 9:10 AM - 10:00 PM )
- 非繁忙時間(9:10 AM - 4:30 PM):每40分鐘一班
- 繁忙時間 (4:30 PM - 10:00 PM):每30分鐘一班
藍線(9:00 AM - 4:20 PM )
- 非繁忙時間(9:40 AM - 4:20 PM):每40分鐘一班
- 繁忙時間 (9:00 AM - 9:40 AM):每30分鐘一班
Unearth the best of Taipei by hopping onto a double decker bus that takes you through major landmarks in the city and feel free to unboard and reboard at any stops you desire
- Discover major landmarks in Taipei by exploring from 23 bus stops across two routes
- Visit top attractions such as Taipei 101, National Palace Museum, Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall, Ximending and many more
- Hop on and off at your preferred attractions along the bus route for maximum flexibility
- Share your traveling moments with free WiFi available on the bus
- Enjoy introductions of attractions with a headset commentary in a choice of languages: English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean
- You will receive a confirmation email and voucher instantly after booking
- In the event that you do not receive an email from us, please check your Spam folder or notify us via email
Inclusive Of:
- '4 Hour Pass' or 'Day Tour Pass' with unlimited stops on Red and Blue Routes
- English, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean headset guide
- Insurance provided by the operator
- Free WiFi
Package Options:
- 1 Day Pass
- 4 Hour Pass
Bus Schedule:
Both the bus start at MRT Taipei Main Station M4 Exit (MAP) bus stop
Red Line (9:10am-10:00pm)
- Non-rush hour: 9:10am-4:30pm, runs every 40 min
- Rush hour: 4:30pm-10:00pm, runs every 30 min
Blue Line (9:00am-4:20pm)
- Non-rush hour: 9:40am-4:20pm, runs every 40 min
- Rush hour: 9:00am-9:40am, runs every 30 min
觀光巴士遊台北 Taipei Bus Tour
- 下雨天將為您提供雨衣
- 在行車過程中不要把身體伸出車外
- 車上嚴禁喝含酒精的飲料、吃東西或吸煙
- 雙層巴士若發生故障,車服人員將協助您轉車
- 65歲以上或12歲以下的乘客可至現場購買優惠票
- 未滿115公分的兒童可免費搭乘,一位成人最多可攜帶兩位免票兒童
- Smoking is strictly prohibited
- Food and drinks are not allowed on the bus
- Raincoats will be provided to all passengers in case of rain
- Please remain seated when the bus is in motion at all times and do not lean out or place your arms outside the bus at any time
- Seniors above 65 and juniors below 12 may purchase discounted passes on the spot
- Free for children under 115cm, An adult pass holder may bring up to 2 children under 115cm for free
- In case mechanical failures, coaches will be substituted to continue the tour without further notice